Category: Copywriting

The Ultimate Guide to SEO

Did you know 75% of people never look past the first page on a Google search? Don’t let your website get lost down the rabbit hole. SEO significantly impacts the success of your business. While having a fabulous website can be brilliant for your business, there is no point if it never gets any traffic.…
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find your brand voice

Find your brand voice

Use a tone of voice template that encourages creativity. Tone of voice guidelines should never be a restrictive set of rules that stifle creativity. It’s not about creating a tick list to robotically run through each time, because that just leads to dry repetitive content. Creating a tone of voice document is about capturing the…
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sales and marketing

Don’t sell. Make a connection!

Sales and Marketing are not the same thing. Seems obvious, doesn’t it? And yet this concept is a massive stumbling block for many businesses. You see, when businesses are asked to describe the different functions of their sales and marketing teams, they often struggle to define where one ends, and the other begins. You might…
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Copywriting SEO

SEO content writing is a thing. And it’s important.

Need help being found on Google? So many companies tell us how hard it is to get their SEO right, so here’s some advice to get you started.

build your brand

Your brand voice

Building a brand goes beyond designing a logo. Your brand needs its own unique voice.

What is a copywriter?

What is a copywriter?

Anyone can write a few words. But if you want someone to use those words to make magic happen, you’re going to need a professional.